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Англійська мова 9 клас Вступ

Домашні завдання з англійської мови для 9-го класу. Вступ

Урок 1

5. This summer my friend and I went to the country. There we became the workers of the farmer. He was a kind man. We helped the farmer to gather in the harvest of vegetables. Also we helped our relevants in the garden. Mainly we worked in the morning from day to day, but we had a free time too and went to swim in the river or walked in the forest. In general we had an active rest. j Particularly, we took part in sports competitions, listened to music and danced. When the weather was bad we read books and watched TV programmes. I will I remember this summer for a long time because we had a really good time.

6. Літо проминуло і ми повернулися до наших парт знову. Це було чудове літо. Ми займалися спортом, подорожували та оглядали' видатні місця. Ми дізналися багато цікавого про міста, які ми відвідали. У теплу погоду ми ходили плавати до річки та проводили там увесь день. Та коли був дощ або погода була поганою, ми зоставалися вдома чи ходили до кінотеатру подивитись нову кінострічку. Багато школярів, які мешкають у селі, допомагали своїм рідним збирати врожай на городі. У деяких учнів із міських шкіл є родичі у сільській місцевості. Вони мешкали там улітку. Вони працювали у полі зранку та активно відпочивали після обіду. Протягом літніх канікул ми також прочитали багато цікавих книжок, подивилися багато цікавих телевізійних програм та відвідали багато виста¬вок, концертних залів, театрів та музеїв. Ми дуже задоволені літніми канікулами.

7. 1. Did they spend the whole day in the river?
Did they spend the whole day in the river or at home?
They spent whole day in the river, didn't they?
They didn't spend the whole day in the river, did they?
What did they do for the whole day?
Who spent the whole day in the river?
Where did they spend the whole day?
2. Did Mykola help his parents to gather in the harvest?
Did Mykola help his parents to gather in the harvest or to clean the flat?
Mykola helped his parents to gather in the harvest, didn't he?
Mykola didn't help his parents to gather in the harvest, did he?
What did Mykola do?
Who helped his parents to gather in the harvest?
Whom Mykola helped to gather in the harvest?
3. Did they work in the fields in the morning?
Did they work in the fields in the morning or in the evening?
They worked in the fields in the morning, didn't they?
They didn't work in the field in the morning, did they?
What did they do in the morning?
Who worked in the field in the morning?
When did they work in the fields?

Урок 2

3.1. Вони слухають музику, чи не так?
Тарас організовував концерти для наших учнів, чи не так?
Ми задоволені нашими літніми канікулами, чи не так?
Олені подобається музика, чи не так?
Петрові подобається грати в шахи, чи не так?
2. Дмитро не допомагає своєму батькові, чи не так?
Вони не грали у хокей, чи не так?
Він не хоче їхати до села, чи не так?
Багато дітей не займаються спортом, чи так?
Ти не подорожував цього літа, чи так?

4.1. Yes, they did. &nbsp2. No, he doesn't.
Yes, he did. &nbspNo, they didn't.
Yes, we did. &nbspNo, he doesn't.
Yes, she does. &nbspNo, they don't.
Yes, he does. &nbspNo, I didn't.

5. You have just received his letter, didn't you?
Your uncle is a farmer, isn't he?
They summed up the results of their work, didn't they?
You didn't play football last Sunday, did you?
They didn't make a trip to Kyiv, did they?
He is not reading now, is he?
You cannot speak French, can you?
You cannot translate this text, can you?

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