2. 1) We had a great party with my friends. We had a lot of fun.
2) I celebrated the New Year at one of my friends' place.
3) We celebrate Christmas on the 7"' of January.
4) Yes. Christmas is a national holiday in Ukraine.
5) Yes. we had a New Year's tree at our school.
6) Yes. we also had a New Year's party at school.
7) We used candles, old toys, paper garlands and tinsel to decorate the New Year's tree at school.
8) At the New Year's party we had a little concert and then a great disco.
В Англії Новому року приділяють не так багато уваги, як Різдву. Деякі люди взагалі його ігнорують і лягають спати в той самий час, як звичайно. Багато інших, тим не менш, його святкують. Манера святкування відрізняється залежно від місцевих звичаїв та родинних традицій. Найбільш поширений спосіб святкування — це новорічна вечірка, яка починається біля 8 години вечора і триває до самого ранку. Це, зазвичай, родинна вечеря, що складається з холодної м'ясної страви, пирогів, бутербродів, тістечок та напоїв. Опівночі включають радіо, щоб кожен міг почути бій Біг Бену. Далі вечірка продовжується. Інший популярний шлях святкування Нового року — це похід на танці. Більшість готелів та танцювальних залів влаштовують танці напередодні Нового року. Зал прикрашають, грають декілька різних груп, і атмосфера дуже весела. Найвідоміші урочистості відбуваються в Лондоні, на Пікаділлі Сьокес, де збираються товпи людей, вони співають і радісно вітають прихід Нового року. На Трафальгарській площі теж збирається великий натовп, і хтось звичайно падає у фонтан. У Шотландії найбільш традаційні церемонії пов'язані з Новим роком. У кожному місті влаштовується Новорічний фестиваль вогню. Відбувається парад чоловіків з палаючими бочками з дьогтем, які вони потім кидають у велике багаття. У Шотландії вважається доброю прикметою, якщо після півночі на Новий рік першим, хто переступить поріг дому, буде темноволосий чоловік, який принесе монету, кусочок хліба та грудку вугілля як символ достатку в Новому році. Сторіччя тому існував звичай На Новий рік класти листочок плюща у воду і залишити його там до дванадцятої ночі (6-е січня). Якщо листочок залишався свіжим та зеленим, це провіщало добробут і здоров'я, а якщо на ньому з'являлись чорні цятки, це свідчило про хворобу та смерть у родині.
10. 1) This band is as good as that one.
2) This fountain is more beautiful than that one.
3) This luggage is more expensive than that one.
4) I don't want to buy this expensive dress. I want to buy a cheaper one.
5) The shop-assistant showed me a grey suit. I asked him to show me a black one.
6) Cotton dresses are cheaper than silk ones.
7) These lamps are brighter than those ones.
8) This bonfire is as bright as that one.
11. a) hot — hotter — the hottest;
thin — thinner — the thinnest;
old — older — the oldest;
cheap — cheaper — the cheapest;
nice — nicer — the nicest;
red — redder — the reddest;
happy — happier — the happiest;
wealthy — wealthier — the wealthiest;
strong — stronger — the strongest:
sour — sourer — the sourest;
rosy — rosier — the rosiest;
pale — paler — the palest;
noble — nobler — the noblest;
light — lighter — the lightest;
long — longer — the longest;
large — larger — the largest.
b) beautiful — more beautiful — the most beautiful;
expensive — more expensive — the most expensive;
important — more important — the most important;
widespread — more widespread — the most widespread;
wonderful — more wonderful —.the most wonderful;
progressive — more progressive — the most progressive;
proud — more proud — the most proud;
с) bad — worse — the worst; many — more — the most; good — better — the best; little — less — the least; much — more — the most;
Кожна країна має свої традиції. Як ви знаєте, в Англії традиції грають велику роль у житті людей. Ось одна з тих традицій. Кожного року багато старих автомобілів прямують до Гайд Парку в Лондоні, щоб взяти участь у пробізі. Серед автомобілів є такі, що були зроблені на початку сторіччя. Пробіг відбувається у першу неділю листопада. Він починається о восьмій годині ранку з Гайд Парку. Деякі авто виглядають дуже смішно. Водії одягнені в одежу того часу, коли були виготовлені автомобілі. Найстаріші авто ідуть попереду. Цей пробіг — це не змагання, це демонстрація автомобілів різних моделей. Деякі автомобілі приїжджають до Врайтону, що близько ста кілометрів від Лондону, тільки пізно ввечорі. Інші не потрапляють туди, вони вимушені зупинятися в дорозі.
1) The traditional run takes place in England on the first Sunday of November.
2) Cars of all models can be seen in the run from London to Brighton.
3) The run usually begins at eight o'clock in the morning from Hyde Park.
4) No, some cars don't get to Brighton.
5) The run ends late in the evening.
6) It takes so much time to drive from London to Brighton because the cars have to stop on the way.
7) Yes, I like this English tradition very much, it must be very exciting to watch such a show.
16 a) Grandfather is reading a newspaper. Grandmother is watching TV. Father and his son are finishing playing chess. Mother is reading a book. Daughter is playing with a doll. Little son is building a house of bricks,
b) Father and his son have just played chess.
c) Father and his son will go for a walk to the park.
d) Grandfather reads newspapers every day. Grandmother watches TV every day. Father and his son play chess every day. Mother read books every day. Daughter plays with a doll every day. Little son builds a house of bricks every day.
e) Grandfather read a newspaper yesterday. Grandmother watched TV yesterday. Father and his son played chess yesterday. Mother read a book yesterday. Daughter played with a doll yesterday. Little son built a house of bricks every day.
f) Grandfather was reading a newspaper when I came in. Grandmother was watching TV when I came in. Father'and his son were finishing playing chess when I came in. Mother was reading a book when I came in. Daughter was playing with a doll when I came in. Little son was building a house of bricks when 1 came in.
День Святого Валентина відзначається 14 лютого. Це свято називається так, тому що святий Валентин є покровителем закоханих. Тепер День Святого Валентина відзначається не тільки у Великій Британії та США, а й у всьому світі. В цей день дорослі та діти відсилають один одному любовні послання. Ось деякі приклади таких послань:
«Люба Мері!
Я кохаю тебе і весь час думаю про тебе. Я хочу, щоб ти стала моєю дружиною.
Кохаю, Пітер»
«Любий Майкл!
Я кохаю тебе. Ти назавжди в моєму серці. Я хочу бачити тебе весь час. Будь ласка, прийди до мене сьогодні.
«Дорогий Уільям!
Давай одружимось, і ми тоді зможемо робити домашні завдання разом.
«Любий Том!
Я більше не можу тебе кохати, бо у мене тепер є песик.
Отже, ви бачите, що деякі послання серйозні, а інші — жартівливі. Всім дітям, підліткам й навіть дорослим дуже подобається це свято.
1) St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th of February.
2) It is called so because St. Valentine is the patron of sweethearts.
3) On this holiday grown-ups and children send each other love messages.
4) No, not all love messages are serious. Some of them are funny.
5) I love this holiday very much because of the warm and romantic atmosphere on this day.
23. 1) St- Valentine is the patron of sweethearts, isn't he? — Yes, he is.
2) We celebrate St. Valentine's Day in November, don't we? — No, we don't.
3) Today is the 14lh of February and we are celebrating St. Valentine's Day.
4) She has just brought to the post-office the message for her friend for St. Valentine's Day.
5) When I came in he was writing a message to his girlfriend. St. Valentine's Day comes (will come) in two days.
6) Yesterday I sent five post-cards with messages for St. Valentine's Day.
7) Who forgot to write love messages? I have a funny text.
26. a) At the post-office the old man is putting a letter in the pillar-box, the woman is writing an address, the girl is buying envelopes or newspapers, the young man is getting a parcel and the office worker is wrapping this parcel.
b) The girl is buying newspapers or envelopes at the post-office.
c) The old man has written a letter and now he is sending it.
d) The young man gets parcels every day.
e) The old man sends letters every Friday.
f) Tomorrow people will also buy newspapers and envelopes, put letters into envelopes, write addresses, send letters and get parcels.
g) When I came in the old man was putting a letter in the pillar-box, the woman was writing an address, the girl was buying envelopes or newspapers, the young man was getting a parcel and the office worker was wrapping this parcel.
27 1) Look! He is writing an address.
2) He has already written an address.
3) Now he is going to the office worker, buying a stamp, gluing it to the envelope and putting it in the pillar-box.
4) He has already put a letter into the envelope.
5) Where did you buy the post-card? — I always buy such post-cards at this post-office.
37 l) a (one) half; a (one) twenty-fifth; a (one) thirty-seventh; two and three fourths: seven and three sevenths: twenty-three and a third; twenty and seven eighths; two hundred and one and three fourths.
2) one point seven three five; thirty-seven point four five nought; four seven point nought five; four hundred and three point seven; eight point five.
Сер Джошуа Рейнольдс (1723-1792), перший президент Королівської академії мистецтв, був не тільки художником, але й засновником академічних принципів «Британської школи». Рейнольдс був найвидатнішим портретистом 18 сторіччя. У своїх картинах він не тільки малював портрети, але й створював образи. Картину «Маленький Геракл, що перемагає змій» купила Катерина II. Іншим відомим англійським художником був Джозеф Тернер (1775-1851), який найчастіше малював світло. Він довів, що за допомогою світла можна передати властивості будь-якого предмета. Ми практично нічого не знаємо про життя Тернера. Син лондонського перукаря, він почав малювати олівцями та фарбами, коли був ще малим хлоп цем. Коли Тернеру було тринадцять, він обрав кар'єру художника. В 1802 році Тернер був обраний академіком Королівської академії, де були виставлені його картини олійними фарбами. Він помер у віці 76 років. Тернер був представником романтизму. Опис природи домінував у його кар тинах. У своїй роботі з кольором він передбачив, у якійсь мірі, практику іми ресіоністів. А його пізні праці були передвісниками експресіонізму 20-х років. Картини Тернера «Корабельна аварія», «Горіння Будинку парламенту» ти «Буран» — це шедеври видатного художника.
1) Joshua Reynolds was the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts and the founder of the academic principles of the "British School".
2) I know the picture "The Little Heracles Defeating Snakes" that was bought by Catherine II.
3) Joshua Reynolds was famous for his outstanding portraits.
4) Joseph Turner was another famous English painter.
5) He chose an artistic career when he was thirteen.
6) In his works Turner proved that with the help of light it is possible to show quali¬ties of any subject.
7) The description of nature dominated in Turner's paintings.
8) I know Turner's "Burning of the House of Parliament", "The Shipwreck", and "Snow Storm".
48 1) The artistic career was chosen by him.
2) The portrait of my father was painted by this artist.
3) He was elected academician by the Royal Academy.
4) A parcel to his friend was sent by him.
5) This exercise was done by her in two minutes.
6) Two letters were written by him yesterday.
7) A mistake was made by him in this sentence.
8) This book was read by Roman two days ago.
9) A very interesting story was written by him.
10) This story was learnt by them by heart.
49 1) We know practically nothing about this book.
2) His life was closely linked with the village.
3) With the help of a pencil he composed real masterpieces.
4) He was not only a painter but also a poet.
5) Son of a London barber, he started drawing when he was a child.
6) Turner was a representative of Romanticism, but in his late works he anticipated Expressionism of the 20lh.
7) These were masterpieces of the great artist.
51 1) Who played chess with you?
2) How many girls visited the picture gallery?
3) How many of them did you know?
4) How many museums did you visit?
5) How much does the ticket cost?
6) How much did you pay for the trip?
7) How many English books do you have?
8) Who showed you the sights?
59 1) Nobody wanted to do that exercise.
2) I did not see anyone there.
3) He knows nothing about me.
4) We have never helped him.
5) There was nobody in the park.
6) He has never told me about it.
7) He hasn't told anyone about it.
8) She hasn't spoken about it anywhere.
9) Nobody looked at him.
10) He doesn't work anywhere.
63. 1) I don't have any French books.
2) We did not go anywhere after classes.
3) I do not see anything in the dark.
4) We did not work anywhere in summer.
5) We did not find anybody in the yard.
6) I did not ever see him.
7) I do not know either his brother or his sister.
8) Anyone has hot read this book.
9) She did not ever play football.
64. 1) I give books to nobody. — I do not give books to anybody.
2) He knows nothing about it. — He does not know anything about it.
3) He never was an artist. — He wasn't ever an artist.
4) She wrote letters nowhere. — She did not write letters anywhere.
5) I knew neither his father, nor his mother. — I did not know either his father or his mother.
6) She could neither read nor write in English. — She could not either read or write in English.
7) She never hears anything. — She does not ever hear anything.
8) My brother did nothing at home. — My brother did not do anything at home.
68. 1) I have never met him.
2) I have never met him anywhere.
3) Nobody asked me about it.
4) Nobody asked me anywhere about it.
5) Nobody ever asked me about it.
6) Nobody could tell me his address.
7) Neither I nor my sister knew about it.
8) My brother does not want to go anywhere either today or tomorrow.
9) Nobody was ever interested in my life anywhere.
69. 1) Nothing grows well here.
2) Nobody gives me English books to read.
3) I saw him nowhere.
4) They never play football.
5) She tells nobody about her problems.
6) She never looks well.
7) She grows nothing in the garden.
8) He wrote nothing about his life there.
9) We neither work nor study.
10) We neither read nor speak French.
74. 1) The Ivan Kotliarevskyi is famous for creating the first work of the new Ukrainian literature.
2) "Aeneid" by Kotliarevskyi was first published in 1798.
3) Yes, "Aeneid" is the masterpiece of Ukrainian humour.
4) This comedy marked the emergence of modern Ukrainian literature.
5) "Aeneid" is presented at the Ivan Franko Theatre nowadays.
6) "Aeneid" is about a Cossack who escapes Turkish captivity, rescues his friends and sails back home to Ukraine.
7) The music to the comedy was written by Serhii Bezusenko.
8) Bohdan Stupka is the famous Ukrainian actor and director.
75. V) The Ivan Franko National Drama Theatre is situated on Ivan Franko Square.
2) The comedy "Aeneid" by Ivan Kotliarevskyi, a masterpiece of Ukrainian humour, was published in 1798.
3) "Aeneid" is a comedy in two acts.
4) "Aeneid" by Kotliarevskyi is based on Virgil's epic.
5) Kotliarevskyi preserves the original Trojan characters but introduces a new setting and social interpretation.
6) The comedy is about a Cossack who escapes Turkish captivity.
76. 1)I was told to see the doctor I was not told to do sums I was not told to go shopping. I was told to learn the regulations of the library. I was not told to>translate the text into English. I was told to go to the theatre.
2) I am asked to buy tickets to the theatre. I am not asked to recite poems. I am not asked to look for a spare ticket. I am asked to speak English. I am not asked to sing songs.
3) You were not asked to take the floor. You were asked to sum up the results. You were asked to refer to this article. You were not asked to take care of him. You were asked to tell us funny stories. You were asked to issue a wall newspaper.
4) He was not advised to go there. She was advised to read books in the original. He was advised to take part in the grand meeting. He was advised to go in for sports. She was advised to read books on English history. He was not advised to learn English every day.
80. 1) The athletic and musical pageant called "Love Will Save the World"took place in the Palace of sports in Kyiv on the 5lh of September.
2) It was a very unusual event because many famous Ukrainian and Russian pop stars played soccer and music.
3) The soccer team of Ukrainian pop stars included Oleksandr Ponomariov, Taras Petrynenko, Yurko Yurchenko, Viktor Pavlik, groups Skriabin, Green Grey and other popular singers.
4) The Russian soccer team included Dmitrii Malikov, Oleksii Glyzin, Volodymyr Kuzmin, Volodymyr Presniakov, Kris Kelmi and some other popular Russian singers.
5) Best of all I like the singers who were the cheerleaders at that sporting event: Natalia Mohylevska and Yevheniia Vlasova.
6) Yes, I think that he is a very talented singer.
7) Among the groups that took part in the competition I like Skriabin best of all.
8) I suppose that all the participants of the event have been to our city.
82. 1) Mother doesn't like how I make coffee. She always makes it herself.
2) How old is your brother? — He is only four, but he likes to do everything by himself.
3) Sally says I speak Russian badly. — Does she? She herself makes a lot of mistakes in her Russian.
4) Can you give me your pencil? — Sorry, I cannot, I need it myself.
5) Do you do your English exercises yourself or do your friends help you to do them? — I always do my homework myself.
6) Look at yourself in the mirror. You don't look well.
7) You mustn't leave the office so early on week-days. I myself leave it at 7 p.m.
8) I like Jack. He never speaks much of himself.
9) They never plant vegetables themselves.
83. 1) I can't explain it to myself.
2) He himself doesn't understand it.
3) She doesn't like to talk about herself.
4) He doesn't love anyone. He doesn't love himself.
5) I can't close this window myself. Help me.
6) I myself don't remember his address.
7) The cat could not open the door herself.
8) Look at yourself in the mirror. You look very nice.
Нобелевська премія була створена у 19 сторіччі Альфредом Нобелем — шведським винахідником, який став багатим, винайшовши динаміт та інші вибухові речовини. Коли він вже. помирав, Нобель повелів, щоб більшість прибутків з його майна щорічно розподілялись у формі премій між тими, хто протягом попереднього року зробив найбільший внесок у добробут суиільства. З того часу ця премія присуджується найвидатнішим діячам науки та культури. Церемонія нагородження відбувається у концертному залі в Стокгольмі, де сам Король Швеції вручає золоті медалі, дипломи та Нобелевські премії лауреатам з фізики, хімії, літератури, медицини та техніки.
87. 1) The Nobel Prize was created in the 19th century by Alfred Nobel — a famous Swedish scientist who invented dynamite.
2) Alfred Nobel's will was to distribute every year the income from the most of his fortune to those who have made the greatest contribution for the welfare of mankind.
3) The Nobel Prize is received nowadays by the laureates in chemistry, physics, technique, medicine and literature.
4) The ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize takes place in Stockholm's Concert Hall where the King of Sweden himself presents the prizes.
93. 1) Yes, I enjoy sports.
2) I enjoy aerobics and shaping most of all.
3) Sometimes I take part in sport contests.
4) We have both a volley-ball and a basket-ball team at our school.
5) We usually compete with representatives of other schools.
6) Yes, I play tennis sometimes.
7) I'm afraid I am not a very good tennis player.
8) Yes, I have got a bicycle of my own.
9) I go cycling not very often.
10) I enjoy water sports very much, they are very useful.
11) I think I am rather good at swimming.
12) Many my schoolmates swim very well.
13) No, I can't drive a car yet.
14) I know the following outdoor games: lawn tennis, football, basket-ball, volleyball, hockey, rugby and golf.
15) I know the following indoor games: chess, draughts, table tennis, darts, dominoes and cards.
16) I think that basket-ball games and football- matches are most popular in our school.
17) Yes, I can play chess, but I do it very seldom.
18) Frankly speaking, 1 don't know who of them plays ch'ess well.
19) I know that Ukrainian chess player Ponomariov is very talented and skilled. He was the youngest world champion.
20) The best Ukrainian football teams are Dynamo Kyiv and Shakhter Donetsk.
21) Shakhter Donetsk won the Cup of Ukraine last season.
95. 1) Sport is very popular in our country. It serves to keep the body healthy and strong.
2) What kind of sports do you go in for? — 1 am fond of skating.
3) Sport in one kind or another is practiced at schools, factories and plants.
4) When we entered the hall they were training jumping, і 5) Our famous sportsmen are often invited to different countries.
6) I used to bathe in the river and lie in sun when I was in the country.
7) Last Sunday we went on an excursion to Lutsk.
8) When you want to go on.a tour, make a list of things.
9) We wash ourselves with soap.
10) Write down what you wear on your feet.
1O1. 1) The World Swimming Championships of 1998 took place in Perth, Australia.
2) Ukrainian duo won two diving gold medals there.
3) Yes. it is very exciting for me to watch diving, but 1 have never done it myself.
4) A friend of mine, who lives in Dnipropetrovsk. goes in for diving and he is very good at it.
105. a) The sportsmen in sector 1 are playing basket-ball.
b) The sportsmen in sector 2 have played basket-ball.
c) The sportsmen in sector 3 are playing volley-ball.
d) The sportsmen in sector 4 have played volley-ball.
e) The sportsmen in sector 5 are jumping.
f) The sportsmen in sector 6 have jumped.
g) My friends and I play basket-ball or volley-ball and jump every day. h) My friends and I do not play either basket-ball or volley-ball and do not jump every day. i) My friends and I will play basket-ball or volley-ball and jump tomorrow.
106. 1) I am taking part in the chess contest.
2) Have уоц got a volley-ball team at your school? — No, we haven't. 3),Sport is very popular in Ukraine.
4) Ukrainian sportswomen Olena Zhupyna and Svitlana Serbina won the diving duo gold medals at the World Swimming Championships.
5) Who is the best swimmer at your school? — My friend Mykola is.
6) I enjoy diving very much. Do you enjoy it?
7) I myself don't like to play hockey.
8) What football team do you like best?
Lessons 53-66
14. 1) What kinds of libraries do you know?
2) What is there in the reference library?
3) Can we borrow books from the reference library?
4) What should you do if you want to get a book from a library?
5) In which case can you leave an order for a book?
6) What are two kinds of books in foreign languages that you can find in the library?
7) What should you do if you haven't finished reading a book by the end of the se¬cond week?
8) Where can you read a book or look through the newspapers without getting them from the library?
26. a) The children near the librarian are ordering books or getting them from the library. The boy near the bookshelves is looking for the book he wants to read. One of the girls has ordered a book and got it from the library. The boys and the girls in the reading hall are reading books or magazines. After the boys have read the books they will give them back to the library.
27. 1) Where are the books kept9 — They are kept in libraries.
2) Who are the books written by? — They are written by writers and scientists.
3) Who was the letter sent by? — It was sent by my brother.
4) Who was this book presented by? — It was presented by the author.
5) Where was this article read by you? — It was read by me in the reading hall.
6) Who was this book written by? — It was written by Oscar Wilde.
7) Who was this poem recited by? — It was recited by our teacher.
28. 1) I was presented with a book by her mother.
2) He was shown the library by her.
3) The article was read by us in the reading hall.
4) The dinner was cooked by them in 10 minutes.
5) The house will be built next summer.
6) Exams will be passed by them in January.
7) The parcel will be sent by my friend tomorrow.
8) Bread is bought by us at the baker's.
48. 1) I like to go to the department store.
2) I have bought a new dress at the department store.
3) Have you ever been to the super market? — No, I haven't. There is no supermarket in our town.
4) How much do these shoes cost? — 200 hryvnias.
5) Who will go to the baker's? — I will.
6) What size of shoes do you wear? — 39.
7) You can buy ready-made clothes at the department store, can't you?
53. a) The young woman at counter 2 has received a registered letter.
b) The old woman at counter 3 is receiving a parcel.
c) The girls at counter 1 are getting a poste restant letter.
d) The men at counter 3 are sending post-cards.
e) The old woman at counter 3 will unwrap the parcel after receiving it.
f) Tomorrow I will go to the post-office and I will receive a poste restante letter at counter 1 and a parcel at counter 3.
61. 1) In Ukraine we have very many national holidays: for example, New Year Holiday. Christmas Day, Women's Day, Easter, Victory Day, Independence Day and so on.
2) The independence of Ukraine was proclaimed on the 24th of August, 1991.
3) The constitution of Ukraine was adopted on the 28lh of June, 1996.
4) We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.
5) We celebrate Trinity in 50 days after Easter.
63. a) 1) I will be able to visit you tomorrow.
2) He will be able to speak English in two years.
3) She will be able to send a parcel tomorrow.
4) We shall not be able to go to the cinema on Sunday.
5) Who will be able to read the book by Monday?
6) Will you be able to do this task?
7) You will be able to bring this book tomorrow, won't you?
8) She will be able to buy two post-cards, won't she?
b) 1) I shall have to visit him
2) You had to do this exercise.
3) We will have to do this exercise.
4) They had to sell the house.
5) You did not have to say that.
6) She did not have to answer that question.
7) I had to do these exercises yesterday.
8) Who had to be on duty yesterday?
68 1) Yes. the Earth is definitely our home.
2) "The Reel Book" is the list of rare and extmcting species of plants and animals.
3) Yes. I suppose, in our region there are some rare animals.
4) Yes, I try to take care of nature, for example, to take part in subbotnics and not to pollute the environment.
5) My friends and I used to make starling-houses and mangers for birds in spring.
6) Yes, we also make mangers in winter and feed birds.
7) I think that the main ways to protect nature are to lessen pollution, to recycle waste products and to create nature parks and to introduce strict fines for polluting the environment.
8) Ecology is our environment and at the same time the science.that studies it.
69 1) You liked tHe film, didn't you? — Yes. I did, very much.
2) I like folk songs.
3) Did you go to the variety theatre yesterday?
4) The actors' performance and the music were not very good.
5) Which theatre do you like best?
6) Did you go to the grocery store? — No, I didn't.
7) This dress is not expensive, is it?
8) I do not like to go to the department store.
9) How much do these shoes cost? — 30 hryvhias.
10) What size of shoes do you wear? — 41.
11)1 have bought two rolls.
12) I do not like tinned meat.
13) I have received the parcel from Lvov.
14) I don't want anyone to know that I receive letters from this girl. That is why I use Poste Restante.
15) What'is the charge for an air-mail registered letter? — I don't know. Ask at the post-office.
16) We celebrate Independence Day on the 24,h of August and Constitution Day — on the 28lh of June.